Operating Systems > macOS

Problem with copying files from PC to MAC

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Hi all,

I have a powerbook 5300C.
It doesn't have a connection to the internet.
So, i downloaded a program (in .sit format) to my windows (   :mad:   ) PC and copied it to a floppy.
When i drag the .sit file(it has an icon with "PC" on it) on my mac over the Stuffit Expander icon, and nothing happens...
Help would be appreciated.

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: jws ]

You need some programs to covert the pc format  to a mac format before you copy it to the disk. I use MacOPENER. Unforturnate MacOpener is commercial program. You need to buy it.
I know there is another program, you can download ,can do the same job but I forget the name of it. If I cannot help, I am sorry. May be some people here can help you.

if your files are .sit files, and you download them in windows, then get stuffit expander for windows which is free and works. You can then expand the files within windows, and then transfer them across. However, i personally do not understand exactly how come the way you are currently doing it does not work. it should.

Gooseberry Clock:
Unless it's a MacBinary file without the BIN extension, in which case you should run it through StuffIt Expander to get just the data fork.

isn't that what i just said? using smartypants terms like macbinary doesn't prove anything. the fact is that stuffit, as you said, and as i said before, should be able to handle a macbinary file fine whether it's the windows version or the macos version.


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