Operating Systems > macOS
Problem with copying files from PC to MAC
quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * / Blob:
Don't ask me, ask Red Ranger Alter Ego #1.
--- End quote ---
So im your alter ego, thats news to me. Why are you still here? All you ever do is cause trouble and say stupid shit.
[ September 21, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]
Gooseberry Clock:
Whoops, linked to the wrong profile. Try this one.
How can this FUCKWARE guy even have one member rated star?
Come on MODS! Make me smile! :D
quote:Originally posted by RudeCat7:
How can this FUCKWARE guy even have one member rated star?
Come on MODS! Make me smile! :D
--- End quote ---
Nah, RRS is like the village idiot around here. You can hate him all you want, but he's been around long enugh to be part of the local color.
It's ok Goosebunny I'm here for ya ;)
Master of Reality:
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