Operating Systems > macOS
Problem with copying files from PC to MAC
Bunny Wabit:
I don't think MacBinary on windoze is same as on MacOs...
it is a "MAC" binary, not WIN
If you're decompressing a file on your Mac, and Stuffit does nothing, you likely have an older version (old versions just quit, they don't say "Wrong version"). Go get the newest one.
Gooseberry Cock:
Unless you have a WrongBinary file, then you need to buy some wrongware from Little Rocket Ranger Software to open it with.
Quote from http://www.phobe.com/deone aka. wrongware
quote:The "Rolling" Oval Office
The "rolling oval office" has 40 square feet of interior floor space, which features a conference room, quarters for the President and First Lady, a sock puppet theater, a trampoline, and a potty. The interior of the bus is completely washable.
--- End quote ---
What does this link have to do with anything?
[ September 21, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]
Gooseberry Clock:
Don't ask me, ask Red Ranger Alter Ego #1.
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