Operating Systems > macOS
Apple is cool
According to this article, Apple is popular among youth. Notice how you don't see anyone praising microsoft or dell . . .
quote:Originally posted by M51DPS:
According to this article, Apple is popular among youth. Notice how you don't see anyone praising microsoft or dell . . .
--- End quote ---
That's funny. Today, while riding to an off-campus class, I heared a few non-computerish people discussing how Dell is super great.
It's probably "cool" because it's get a better design...
The only "Cool" that really matters for my PC is it's temperature.
[ September 05, 2003: Message edited by: Fett101 ]
My computer might be shit, but i couldn't tell the difference if I tried
any one who buys a computer because the of the way the OUTSIDE looks is a weee bit off their rocker.
I thought Linux was cool, but its not.
I use Linux because of a personal preference, not because it popular.
Good for Apple, I hope this group of people who are youth now keep on buying apple all their lives, 40 years should be enough time for someone to figure out OSX on the X86
I read somewhere that BSD and its variants (DARWIN) are eating up the alternative desktop market because of the enthusiasm behind OSX's Darwin base.
Here it is>>>>>>>
web page
I was considering running Darwin--KDE with an apple like theme and pretending it was OSX :D
any one else have such guilty thoughts?
many of the younger folks that I've talked to that own Apple hardware say this:
My dad has a Dell and runs Windows, and he's always having problems. My computer JUST WORKS.
That's the operative phrase that I hear... JUST WORKS.
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