Operating Systems > macOS

Safari: be careful!

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quote:Not logging in as root doesn't protect you from outside crackers as much as it protects you from yourself
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I agree. I don't claim that everybody should use their Mac the way I do. I have a second hard drive with a backup system, in case I screw up.

I use TinkerTool to show all the hidden files, so I can navigate paths like /private/var/root and /usr/local/bin in the finder. I like using column views for navigation.

I use Diablotin to exclude a number of system items I don't use, like Apache and Network Time. I've also removed about twenty kernel extensions, mostly for video cards I don't have. I have the Developer Tools installed, and I'm even using X11.app and GIMP 1.2.3.

It's stable as hell, of course, and uses 2/3 of the RAM a regular install of OS X.2.3 would use.

If anyone's curious, I can make a list of all the kernel extensions and other stuff I removed. I can tell you, the only way to set it all up is to be logged in as root from the very start. As soon as I could open the NetInfo Manager, I was setting up a root login. Right now, I could log in under my admin name, but nothing is set up, because I've never used it.

p.s. I'm still using the Safari Beta.

[ January 10, 2003: Message edited by: dot.this ]

Wow! Serious problems indeed! That's a shame cos I really liked it. Well, it's back to Chimera until they deliver a stable release!

New version posted earlier today.
Some heads probably rolled for this one.

Hope the new version fixed the problem...

It launches way faster now.

Here's something I didn't realize. Safari is a sister to KDE Konqueror. It uses KDE's KHTML:



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