Operating Systems > macOS
GAH! How could she do this to me? (Mac Related)
So I'm in 8th grade and it's almost the end of the year. We have one more report card to get and it appears I have been slacking off. So to encouarge me my mom made this deal, If I get at all A's and B's she'll buy me any mac I want EXCEPT the $3,800 G4 (for obvious reasons, too expensive plus you dont even get a monitor)
So since I have an iMac SuperDrive right now I figured I wanna get the newest iMac. 1 Ghz, 80 gig hard drive, GeForce 4, the works. OR, should I spring for the "Fastest" (not ultimate) G4 which has less ram i think but a higher processing speed? Which mac should I get guys? Man I hope I get those grades... BTW I am not a rich bastard Im just spoiled. I'm hispanic living in Pilsen (not too good but not too bad neigborhood)
Keep in mind that I think space may be a problem so I dont know where the G4 tower would go...
[ June 01, 2003: Message edited by: Novablas ]
Personally I'd go with the Powermac, why?
More processor speed, its hard to upgrade this, and the Powermac has an L3 and a higher system bus. Even though it has less ram, Powermacs are really, really, really easy to upgrade, so you can max the ram out later. About the moniter I would just use and old one or find away to use your iMac's screen instead.
EDIT: About space, I have no idea, but the tower is actually not that big.
[ June 01, 2003: Message edited by: bossesjoe ]
quote:Originally posted by Novablas:
I'm hispanic
--- End quote ---
Oh, you're hispanic? I think there's a pretty strict hispanics-are-not-allowed-to-use-Macs policy over at Apple.
Seriously, though, why does this matter?
I think he was just giving us a description of himself.
Hey, I'm Hispanic too! Welcome...err. ya...
ummmm, anyway.
I would get a low end tower. You can spend some extra money on the screen, it's worth it in the long run. When that iMac goes out of date tehre will be nothing left to do but to hawk it. The G4 tower will be viable fo a much longer timeframe as you are able to upgrade most of it's components along with the tide of technology. Not to mention that one part breaking isin't gonna destroy the whole computer since it can allways be replaced.
Stick with teh tower, iMac's suck and allways have.
Damn... I feel bad saying that wile posting from my AMD box under Win98 no les!!! Oh shame on me :D
Well... at least I'm running firebird and long ago got rid of IE via IErradicator.
Only reason I'm in windows now is cuz Im porting the latest build of my game to SDL under Dev C++. Fun fun fun!!!!
oh ya....
Get a tower, that's it, no question. Even the lowest end tower will be better than an iMac.
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