Operating Systems > macOS

GAH! How could she do this to me? (Mac Related)

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quote:Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
I wish my parents would give me a 4000 buck spending limit. Of course, after the 4000 dollars was gone I probably would still be without a computer.
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I'm reminded of the story where the guy walks into a computer store, promptly buys the most expensive version of every perhipheral, and then returns them all because they "don't plug in right".

Turns out he had everything but the actual computer.  ;)

You could get a nice PowerMac and Studio/Cinema Display for your price range.  And like the others said, it's totally upgradable.  Hmm, if your limit is for $3000 you might as well claim you need some other accessories as well (like an Ipod or something).  Just an idea.

I find it amusing your parents think getting a few A's is worth blowing $3000 on though.  Well, something to brag about at the PTA meetings I guess.  How shallow.

not just for A's. I'm graduating!

My parents don't have the money to buy me a G4 right now (there's the bigger project of home improvement, like a new roof and kitchen), so i'm working on upgrading some old ones (PowerMac 5500/225 and PowerMac 8500/150). One of them will eventually be running Yellow Dog Linux, while the other will still use Mac OS 9.1. Could someone just give me $4000? I'd really appreciate it.


quote:Originally posted by Ravuya:

I'm reminded of the story where the guy walks into a computer store, promptly buys the most expensive version of every perhipheral, and then returns them all because they "don't plug in right".

Turns out he had everything but the actual computer.   ;)  
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Actually I'd probably just spend it on drugs, weapons, and devil music.


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