Operating Systems > macOS
GAH! How could she do this to me? (Mac Related)
a tower. Make sure u get the best vid card. My G4733 with Radeon 7500 can't run Warcraft III smoothly with res at 640x480 and all graphics all the way down, and just started the game in my base, empty. So get the best video card and dual cpu's then maybe games will play OK.
My iMac G4 800 with it's GeForce 2 MX runs Warcraft III passably well. However, keep in mind that WIII has some pretty inflated system requirements due to everything being 3d rendered.
I hear a lot of angst against the iMac, though. The way I figure it, my computer has plenty enough get-up-and-go to last me until well after it's been totally outdated, at which point I will be able to afford replacing it outright. Yeah, I don't get to upgrade one piece at a time, but face it - no matter what you do there will come a day when your tower has been outdated to the point that you pretty much must replace it to stay current. So, from my perspective, I'm just saving money, so
Seriously, I personally think the tower vs. all-in-one debate comes down to a lot of personal opinion rather than cut and dry facts. In any case, if you can find room for a tower, you may even want to check out 2khappyware.com for a cheap alternative to that PowerMac G4 that's virtually just as upgradeable (not quite as current with technology, but not all that bad considering the price).
In any case, I own one of the first "new iMac" models (top of the line at the time, 800Mhz plus Superdrive), and I love it. I vote iMac!!!
Oh, and to answer "how could she do this to [you]"? She's your Mom. Mom's always know how to bribe, I mean *cough* motivate, their children! 8)
[ June 02, 2003: Message edited by: maghor ]
I love my mac now too but I want it to play War3 flawlessly on the highest setting. It barely runs decently on my iMac 800 G4 Superdrive (yes I had to say it again cuz I luv it!)
It also doesnt play Unreal Tournament 2003 well. Also I WANT a GeForce 4 MX. =D
ALSO! 20 gigs more hard drive space! ALSO! almost 2 times as much ram as I have now. I only have 512 RAM after buying 256 more. This one comes with 1 GIG!
ALSO! I want the bigger screen!
ALSO! I finally want to own a comp that breaks the Mhz line! What better comp to do it with than the Supa l337 iMac! I have had iMacs since they first came out. I had the bondi one (which kinda sucked) the blueberry one (which was good for its time) then another blueberry one but had more mhz and ram. Then my BEE YOU TEA FULL iMac that I am using now. And hopefully that next cool ass mac. yay! macs!
hmm...what else can I say also too...
ALSO!!!!! My mom gave me a $4000 spending limit (I heart you graduation) so I wanna get an iMac, 15 gig iPod (W00T!!!!!), Digital Camera (w00t!), Scanner (eh.), cool ass printer! (w00t!), .Mac (cool!), Warranty (you can never be without a good warranty), a Cordless Optical mouse with a base for recharging (w00tness!), an Ethernet Hub (yess!), a UFO iMac base thingy (it looks cool!!), some DVD-R's (yay from apple!), and finally a ethernet cable (can't be without one)
BUT! IF I got the G4, I'd get the G4 and that's it! So NOW what would you guys do? Pretend that you have none of the stuff on my list and you dont own either computer.
4000 buks!
Easy dude, Get the Maxd out G4 tower. plain and simple no question. You can upgrade the RAM past two gigs (DDR none the less), you can have more than one HD, the standard is 12MB, and the card is a FUll on GeForce 4Ti (not a crappy MX, wich is basicaly an overcloced GeForce II).
Fuck the scanner and all that shit, you can get those later on your own budget, second hand, or at used places. ('cept the camera, thats good). Use the money to get a nice Monitor, a Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 19" inch is my Fav. Monitor right now. I realy love those, nice and crisp.
That's what I would get. That machine ain't going out of style anytime soon. Proc. Upgrades, GFX card replacement, etc. will keep it top of the line for a while. Also, your not considering the simple fact that when it comes to 3d games Proc. speed means little. A 600Mhz G4 witha GeForce FX or something (if the Mac's had em :( ) would run WCIII blindingly. Which is another argument for a tower, UPGRADING THE DAMN VIDEO! not integrated. Not to mention PCI slots. etc. etc. etc.
Get the tower, fogoe the rest. You will be happier.
[ June 04, 2003: Message edited by: psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax ]
I wish my parents would give me a 4000 buck spending limit. Of course, after the 4000 dollars was gone I probably would still be without a computer.
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