Operating Systems > macOS
I Wish I Had a Mac
That's basically what I feel. Right now I have a Dell Inspiron with Windows XP Home Edition, which doubly sucks. Macs are great, and Apple makes some of the best computers anywhere, but they're too damn expensive, you know? The most affordable of them is most likely the eMac, but I like laptops; my ideal Mac is a 15'' PowerBook G4. That would be really sweet. Anyway, I wonder if Apple will ever release iPhoto for the PC anytime in the future (they did with iTunes, which was a mixed bag; it's good, but not as good as the Mac counterpart, of course).
This should go in the Mac Forum.
And yes, Macs are too expensive for a lot of people. :( You could try for a used one, I don't know how good those are myself.
quote:Originally posted by Alex Cacioppo:
That's basically what I feel. Right now I have a Dell Inspiron with Windows XP Home Edition, which doubly sucks. Macs are great, and Apple makes some of the best computers anywhere, but they're too damn expensive, you know? The most affordable of them is most likely the eMac, but I like laptops; my ideal Mac is a 15'' PowerBook G4. That would be really sweet. Anyway, I wonder if Apple will ever release iPhoto for the PC anytime in the future (they did with iTunes, which was a mixed bag; it's good, but not as good as the Mac counterpart, of course).
--- End quote ---
Glad to see a pc user actually realising that macs are better than pcs!!
Maybe there is hope for the rest of them!
Regarding iphoto coming to the pc - I dont think this will ever happen as iphoto is just one component of the 'digital hub' that includes: imovie, idvd, itunes, iphoto, garageband, isync and ,mac and that is totally uniquely designed for the mac's ease of use and intuitivity.
All these apps are designed to work seemlessly together - e.g. - you can use iphoto to export stills into imovie, and itunes songs too which inturn can export movies into idvd and you can then export your finished movie to quicktime etc...
The problem is even if apple did make pc versions of the digital hub will never work as well because the unique point with apple (and apple are the ONLY company in the world that can do this) is that the hardware is designed specifically to work seemlessly and connect with the software and not a patchwork of hundreds of maunfactuerers vying for some sort of continuity that is typical of the windows experience.
And that is just the start...
If only the majority of pc users knew what they were missing!! You guys would all leave windows in minutes!
I feel very priviledged to own 2 macs and that I use macs at work and I personally see this anology: if the was a world war the pc users would be the mass army that would bascially be the 'cannon fodder' for the nukes, bombs etc and the mac/unix users would be the elite special forces that perform the missions that actually win the war.
The mac is has a great OS to use, OS X Panther is the most easy to use and intuitive experience and it NEVER crashes, has NO VIRUSIS - so simple, everything works together - for example: you put a blank cd in the mac and it automatically launches the software to write it or you plug in your digital camera and it automatically launches iphoto to download the pics - Bloody amazing!
I have never had that experience with windows.
If you are seriously considering buying a mac - then the emac is a good starting point or save up for that powerbook - I can guarantee once you get the mac you want you will never touch windows again - and you will probably say to your self 'why didn't i do this years ago!'
Good luck - if you need any help you can email me - [email protected].
Count me amongst the ones who want to ditch their PeeCee for a Mac. I'm hoping to get one this summer, if I work hard enough,
[ March 19, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
"If only the majority of pc users knew what they were missing!! You guys would all leave windows in minutes!"
Actually, solarflare, I left windows nearly three years ago. I run Linux. :D
PC != Win-Doesn't
Live Free or Die: Linux
If software can be free, why can't dolphins?
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