Operating Systems > macOS
I Wish I Had a Mac
Because G5s are hell expensive :eek: My G4 tower runs Illustrator and Photoshop fine, and Panther is very responsive. I like Safari as well!
uh... I do not care much for safari. I always use firefox.
Careful with the PC bashing, there are Linux users among us. I learned that the hard way.
quote:Originally posted by Mandrake:
If you want a Mac, sell your PC and get one. The G4 towers aint that expensive.
--- End quote ---
I wouldn't give up my PC either. :(
Sure you would. You just don't know it yet.
The cat said she'd tear up your peecee.
Then, you'll realize that OS X really is badass and the One True STEP, and you, too will finally STEP in Time.
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