Operating Systems > macOS

I Wish I Had a Mac

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I have had a Mac ever since my Dad bought the first one in 1984. I have never owned a single PeeCee and i currently use 3 Macs! Muhuhahahahahah!!

And I do agree that they should cut their prices..

Then those Windows fools will finally learn........


quote:Originally posted by typhoon_311:
And I do agree that they should cut their prices..
--- End quote ---

Geing a ghetto geek, that's all I ask for.

If you want a Mac, sell your PC and get one. The G4 towers aint that expensive.


quote:Originally posted by Mandrake:
If you want a Mac, sell your PC and get one. The G4 towers aint that expensive.
--- End quote ---

aint aint a word.  G4's are cheep now, but who wants a G4 when there are G5's now!

[ March 25, 2004: Message edited by: MindFlyer-Paladin9 ]

I wouldn't want to ditch my PC for anything  :rolleyes:


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