Operating Systems > macOS

I Wish I Had a Mac

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i wish I could get shadow killer to work. it sounds double-plus rad...

do you know of any others like it that dont require barely any terminal knowledge

Mac's may seem expensive, but they are worth every cent, and what about the new Mac Mini, they are very affordable, starting at just US$499.

Just think, once you have a Mac, you will never have to pay for security software, it is available, but you don't need it. A Macs security will never compare to the swiss cheese that is windows.

Go ahead and sell your PC to buy a mac, trust me, you will not regret it one bit.

Plus there's the added bonus of how attractive a mac will look in your home office!!!!  

Mac OSX is the most advanced operating system in the world, and if you have the hardware to go with it, you will never go back to your Linux SHIT.

So until YOU can make an OS more powerful and more advanced than Mac OSX, keep your mouth shut.

You're being divisive by comparing Berkeley UNIX to Linux.  Do your homework, note the similarities between the FreeBSD kernel and the Linux kernel, then get back to bashing Windows.  Thank you for your time.

EDIT: In case you somehow missed this, Darwin - that would be the core of OS X - borrows heavily from BOTH FreeBSD and Linux kernel.  Bashing either of the latter based on your experience with the former is just plain ignorant.

[ January 24, 2005: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate/BOB ]


quote:Originally posted by maccampus:
--- End quote ---

Kunt u bij de volgende bericht alstublieft geen hyperlinks naar politieke website meer plaatsen?

Het is wel toegestaan om in de signature (handtekening) wat websites te plaatsen. Sorry voor de onderbreking  ;)


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