Operating Systems > macOS
For all you whinners with the "Faultering Loyalty"...
in a way I agree with Window XP User about being locked in to a proprietary format, but it is your choice!.... I think, to be honest the whole point of Apple computers, for many, MANY years has been that it IS your choice, if you buy Apple you are buying a complete package, hardware and software! in the past it meant you were completely locked in to Apple (MacOS), but now with the advent of OS X, + Lin/Bsd, it is more of a hardware choice and, dare I say it, for 'consumer' desktops it is the ONLY alternative HARDWARE choice (for a desktop) if you want to avoid Intel/Amd/MS? Believe me I am a Linux advocate, but I have to say OS X has seriously moved the goalposts, maybe one day we'll see MS make as big a move as Apple has (but then again remember the move from 68k to PPC? can you imagine a corp like MS being able to do that?)
Sorry, i know I'm ranting, but X86 OS X? NO, X86 Darwin YES :)
PS as a dream what I would like most of all would be for Apple to adopt the now defunct Alpha, how cool would that be?
Or even do a deal with Sun? Imagine SPARC powered Macs?
And then again, maybe this should be a new topic? But does anyone else see the intel/amd X86 cpu's as a complete dead end?
quote:Originally posted by hmd:
And then again, maybe this should be a new topic? But does anyone else see the intel/amd X86 cpu's as a complete dead end?
--- End quote ---
All standard CPU architecture is a dead end rout. They speculate that in about 10-15 years, the size of transitors, and the electrical conduits that make up microprocessors will be so small (assuming the speeds increese at the same rate they have been) that they will only be a few atoms across. This causes problems because circutrie that small will never be able to guide electrons consistently on their required paths.
Alterantive methods will need to be thought of. IBM amongst other companies are researching the fesability of Light powerd CPU's that use lightwaves refracted thrugh cristalls in order to do their calculations.
Too true but, correct me if I'm wrong i seem to recall ultra powerfull MIPS and ARM/StrongARM machines that are only now reaching 166MHZ? I s'pose what I'm saying is that the Intel architecture is wholly designed with MHZ in mind, actual power means nothing to the marketing minds :-(
imagine a 10 GHZ P4? Big fucking deal.........when a 200MHZ Mips/StrongARM/RISC (power4/PPC 970?) cpu beats it hands down!
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