Operating Systems > macOS
Apple to charge for some iApps
Apple may start charging up to $50 for iDVD (Previously $20), iMovie, and iPhoto.
I don't use those so it's no big loss to me!
If iTunes goes payware, I'm switching to MacAmp.
I had to comment on this agian. Apple is getting fucked up, considering that the iApps are a major reason OS X is sooo damn good!
They will be sucking the life out of their system. A very Microsofty move by apple, shame on them. People should send in some complaint letters!
Thats fooked up. It seems like a backwards ass way to sell computers. I sure as hell will not be paying for any upgrades to these apps. I do use iTunes & iPhoto, but im sure i could find alternatives if i have to. Fucked up.
maybe apple is dieing. if they shoot themselve's in the foot and out of business, us linux zealots are going to have to take the full force of M$.
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