Operating Systems > macOS

Apple to charge for some iApps

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I can tell that I switched not a moment too soon. Right in the middle of the OS X conversion, and in the middle of a slump that's strangling them!

To arms! To arms!

If Apple goes down I think I'll change my name to Fladius and become omish.

I think this is just an evil rumour. Why should Apple do something like this on the very threshold to big success?


quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
If iTunes goes payware, I'm switching to MacAmp.
--- End quote ---

Audion for me, but I will miss iTunes' cool music database system. Reminds me a lot of SoundJam MP, a great product which they killed and gutted to make iTunes in the first place.

NOTHING can be worse than Apple's situation in 1996. They'll survive. Too many people care too much about the platform.
That said, iTunes is the only iApp I'd pay for, mainly because of its awesome MP3 organization tools and its AppleScript functionality.
For instance, when I'm browsing forums, I just hit a key combo (control+right) and Applescript switches to iTunes, plays the next track after a dialog box pops up for 2 seconds showing artist, track, and album, then immediately switches back to Chimera.
I love it.
WinAmp on my PC seems like such a dinosaur by comparison.


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