Operating Systems > macOS

Calum's eBay Mac buying thread.

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quote:Originally posted by flap:
is the linux version no good then?
--- End quote ---

of what?

as far as i can see, the required software runs in about 7 different versions of windows, and maybe 2 versions of macOS (of course only the windows versions are supported by the course).

There's no linux version of anything...


quote:Originally posted by flap:
I just found this on google:
Might be of help.
--- End quote ---


quote:Originally posted by flap:
I just found this on google:
Might be of help.
--- End quote ---

aha!!! no, i've got you now, wait the now and i'll figure it out! thanks a lot for this!

edit - but i still want a cheap Mac!!!  :D

[ October 27, 2002: Message edited by: Calum-21.2 ]

Ill sell you my Mac Classic with 4mb of ram and a massive 40mb to put your files on for... Urm... ahhhh.... hmmm.... il be genourus



UNIX ain't trademarked, not really anyway. The point of my sig is that the only true UNIX is and was the origional one developed at bell labs (was it bell?) anyway, the origional from which all *NIX's came from. No current encarnation including BSD are actually true UNIX's.

So I thought it fitting to say that UNIX is more a state of mind than an OS. i.e. Open source, stability, all of those UNIX ideals that carry over to it's moddern variants.

Now that I have justified my sig. can you please get that stupidity off of yours.

[ November 03, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax v6.9 /Dave ]


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