Operating Systems > macOS

Calum's eBay Mac buying thread.

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You can't run OS 8.5 on a 68k-based Macintosh. You'll have to either pick up a PowerPC + 8.5+ or figure out how to get a 68030 to run 8.5 (which is probably one hell of a hack!)

Used Desktops & Laptops:
www.baucomcomputers.com (reputable, never ordered from them)

Used Laptops:
www.wegenermedia.com (ordered from them, no problem)

All for now, be back soon

thanks for all the stuff guys! i appreciate it...
hmm, i was thinking about 50 pounds for a second hand mac, but if a quadra won't run 8.5, then i don't know really...
also, i don't know about paying for shipping from the states, i'd rather buy one in the UK...

ho hum, if i can get either a windows or a mac emulator to work in linux then i'll be set, but so far nothing, and i am loath to start yet another 'why won't wine work' thread...

thanks again guys...

is the linux version no good then?

Try checking
or e-mailing the Editor (Elizabeth Liddell)

For info on used PDA/Laptop dealers in the UK.

Yes, I write for them. Check out my PowerBook http://www.foxpop.ndirect.co.uk/pc/pda_01.htm

[ October 27, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


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