Operating Systems > macOS

Some things i would like to see happen to OS X

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dumb question

can you run OSX apps on darwin, running on a MAC


quote:Originally posted by suselinux:
dumb question

can you run OSX apps on darwin, running on a MAC
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Don't quite get what you're aiming at here.

i think he was talking about something like MOL or along the lines of NetBSD's famous binary compatiblity /*see for your self, you can do whack shit with NetBSD*/

now creating an aqua opensource replacement would be a wonderful thing. btw i run osx 10.1 on my 9500 now


quote: Lets face it, os ten is the worlds greatest operating system.
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You're forgetting Fiasco

fiasco is a microkernel. unless you are FBNMU (far beyond non-mortal user, like linus....) it will be of little use to you.


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