Operating Systems > macOS
me + mac
Gooseberry Clock:
No, it's Shift+Command+3.
And Shift+Command+4 if you want to specify a specific area rather than a full screen. It still pisses me off to no end that I need to paste screen caps into an image application before I can save it as a file on my Windoze box. What kind of fucked up shit is that?
Master of Reality:
how do i make it into a picture format that my browser can read. right now it is named picture.1
I have some graphic converter on my mac but it need 200k more memory to run.
what's the actual file format? macs do not use file extensions (which makes it a bugger to figure out what kind of file something is from just the filename). Try opening it using some programs. Use your browsers, and use quicktime, and if you have clarisworks, use that too, because with clarisworks, you can 'file>save as' and get it saved as a jpeg, bmp or gif.
If you have MS word, you can insert the picture, and save as html, and your image will get saved seperately as a jpeg image, but you cannot control the picture quality of the jpeg in this way. And it requires Microsoft software, so i don't recommend it :D
Master of Reality:
it only lets me save it as either PICT or ClarisWorks.... (remember i am using OS 7.1 with equally old software)
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