Operating Systems > macOS

me + mac

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You're wasting your money.  I suggest getting a great used PC laptop with Windows XP on it, or if it isn't preloaded you can purchase a copy from Microsoft.  I buy all of my Microsoft software because they make such great products and I want to support them.

Excuse me while I puke..  Windows XP ass here is making me sick

Anyhow, if you're getting a G3, OSX should run fine on it.  As long as you have 64 megs of ram you'll be fine.

I have done some tests of my own.  A G3 at 450mhz running OSX runs faster and more reliebly than a P4 at 1.5ghz running XP.  Why the hell do you think that 75% of all computers in digital effects fields(Industial Light and Magic is a notable name here) are Apple G3 or G4's?


quote:Why the hell do you think that 75% of all computers in digital effects fields(Industial Light and Magic is a notable name here) are Apple G3 or G4's?
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Because they have yet to utilize the far superior powers of the dual Athlon MP configuration? Also, a fast CPU alone (not that the Pentium 4 falls in that category) isn't going to ensure good visual preformance in Windows XP, a decent video card is what really makes the experience smooth (by decent I mean a GeForce2 GTS or up).

As for OS X requirements myths floating around here, below are the official requirements directly from Apple's site.

quote:System Requirements:
- iMac, iBook, Power Macintosh G3, Power Mac G4, Power Mac G4 Cube, PowerBook G3 or PowerBook G4 computer*
- 128MB of physical RAM
- 1.5GB of disk space available

*Mac OS X does not support the original PowerBook G3 or upgraded PowerPC processors.
--- End quote ---

[ May 28, 2002: Message edited by: Vincent ]

I've done it on 64MB of RAM. It works. At least I think it's 64MB. Don't know which edition of powerbook your running.


here is a visual aid  :D


ResExcellence.com has articles on getting OS X to run on upgrade cards and a bunch of other hacks you can perform. You would be surprised what you can "trick" OS X into doing, part of the beuty of having an open source under system is that you can scale it to your needs.

If all else fails you can run Darwin, or just good ol' OS 9.

[ May 29, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:

ResExcellence.com has articles on getting OS X to run on upgrade cards and a bunch of other hacks you can perform. You would be surprised what you can "trick" OS X into doing, part of the beuty of having an open source under system is that you can scale it to your needs.

If all else fails you can run Darwin, or just good ol' OS 9.

--- End quote ---

Yeah I know someone who has got it working very well on a Imac with a G4 upgrade card.  It works amazingly fast.  I simply blew me away.  The DarwinBSD core is a very usefull thing to have access to.

The simple fact is Macs and MacOS are much better for digital graphics fields.  I previously mentioned ILM; well they experimented with Intel and AMD chips running Windows and Linux, and kept coming up with the same results, Macs were much better for there needs.

And for home users, nothing is easier to use than MacOS(well maybe BeOS, but that's about dead). And plenty of aps and games are available for it. The first computer I ever used was a Mac LCIII(I think) and it ran MacOS 7.1.  To this day I still prefer MacOS.  I even try to imitate some of it's functinality in Windows and Linux.  And I am getting a G3 powerbook with OSX in a couple of weeks, hopefully.


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