Operating Systems > macOS
OS X 10.2.3 is out
quote:Originally posted by trc3:
I fully understand where your coming from, I agree with it in some aspects. But I don't think there is anything wrong with apple for wanting to make a profit. Considering apple makes most of their money on hardware
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Free as in freedom, not moeny, im aware of this and that is why apple needs to release its Source Code.
If they went completely open source someone would make os x for x86 and there goes apples business.
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x86 is very shit, they could make licenceing to prevent this.
I also dont think they should even be put in the same category with m$. M$ has done nothing but decieve people
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neither do i but all software companys are evil.
and rob them blind with license fee after license fee [and get extremely wealthy off third rate software], apple on the other hand has innovated more then most companys ever will [anyone that says diffrent is a moron]. I have nothing against your opinion's, mine just differs slightly.
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As does linus' top stallmans. Zombie to calums, ect.
As for your posts being deleted I'm not a mod so I have no say in that.
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quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
I haven't deleted anything...
As for your open source stuff, Apple and M$ are VERY diffrent companies. Apple started out with the philosophy let's make our products "insanely great", and they have. Apple mean's quality, and having been using my Linux/w98 PC for a few weeks now I see this more and more. Apple dosn't try to screw over the consumer, they have actively been against the DMCA and TCPA initiatives, and a gigantic portion of their operating system is open-source! Darwin is about 70% of the OS, Aqua is just a GUI! Say someone realeased a spiffy new desktop environment for linux and charged 50 bucks for it, say it was as functional and well designed as OSX, I bet youd buy it. If I were picky enugh I would just run darwin and have done with it, but I have no trouble paying for something that is worth the money, this is where M$ fails, OSX is worth the price.
Also, Apple makes all of the technical details of their hardware known to open-source driver developers for linux' etc. When has M$, or a PC maker, done similar?
You can have qualms with payware, but don't ever put Apple and M$ in the same league. Also, don't confuse open source with free as in beer, remember it's free as in speach. Apple is alot more open source than you think.
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I will say again, apple are better then MS in ethincs, but licenceing software is ruining the Computer Industry, we would be much further ahead without it.
And about the deleted posts, maybe macman is right ;)
Linux is better then Darwin, has more features, better core. More reliable, more developed, ect, ect.
Aqua is the good bit that i want a taste of.
[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: X11 ]
the new aqua buttons suck major ass!!!
http://www.skinner.com/jeffberg/files/buttons/iphoto.jpg -- old (better)
http://www.skinner.com/jeffberg/files/buttons/ichat.jpg -- new (suck ass)
quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Commando:
the new aqua buttons suck major ass!!!
http://www.skinner.com/jeffberg/files/buttons/iphoto.jpg -- old (better)
http://www.skinner.com/jeffberg/files/buttons/ichat.jpg -- new (suck ass)
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I've seen people talking about this on a bunch of message boards, but I updated to 10.2.3 the other day and still have the original buttons? I dunno it doesn't really matter to me since I never use iChat.
quote:Originally posted by trc3:
I've seen people talking about this on a bunch of message boards, but I updated to 10.2.3 the other day and still have the original buttons? I dunno it doesn't really matter to me since I never use iChat.
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Open Address Book, Calculator, iCal. Those I know are affected.
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