Operating Systems > macOS

Idiot gets a smackdown.

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I still like wingsandrocks' method of tossing around acronyms and crap...

quote: It's not really just Windows that is the cause for DOS's ip uploading...it's just netstats through a direct connection..

The same problem exists in IRC with the DNS command...
--- End quote ---

he needs to PDQ his FAG TPU connections with a three handed FGHF mallet connected to an EFPST router with double TTFN ratio-squibs before the FUD spews out from his GOBB all over his PC UPS MFI B&Q connectors.

my final opinion of that dude...

what a shiteater


quote:Originally posted by Jimmy James is COOL:
my final opinion of that dude...

what a shiteater
--- End quote ---

Really now. I'm sad that there are more like him; you should see the HardOCP boards on a bad day. I remember some xlr8yourmac post where some retard thought the Mac TCP/IP stack was pirated (WTF???) and then proceeded to bitch about (you guessed it..) the one button mouse.

Also, watching the glorified penis-size contest these kids who rice out their boxes engage in, it's obvious that they don't really have jobs, girlfriends, or something to actually <i>do</i> with their 3.06 billion cycles-per-second computer.

Seriously, if you're bashing an entire hardware and software platform because the mouse only has one button, you are a fucking retard.

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Ravuya ]

And then he's unable to refute arguments against him.

Remember, if you disagree, you're "an ignorant kid".


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