Operating Systems > macOS
Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here
Man, this is a sad forum for name calling. But I really want to know what the mac crowd here thinks.
I've been a Mac user since 99. And its true, MacOS, though it had a lovely interface, was a pain in the ass to use, and it crashed, most horribly, all the time. Tradeoff, it was damned fast. Faster than any other operating system, because it didn't have the bells and whistles.
OSX was a boon for me. But I have found that it crashes from time to time (very rarely though, I have no mystery crashes). Mostly when I'm using a Java application (SWT based mostly), and when i am playing back a wonky video file that seems to lock up everything. If you have a second machine on the network that can ssh into your OSX box, you can kill the app and get it working, but from the machine itself, its gone.
Compare this to Windows? Win95, 98, and NT were real bad, depending on what hardware you ran. Win2k on the other hand was decent, and XP is mostly stable (though its godawful interface is a step backwards). I use windows on a daily basis at work, and considering the plethora of hardware it has to run on, it does a decent job. You also have to give some credit to Intel and the others for putting together better hardware.
Linux? Well, some of us like to tinker. I really do not want to come home to wrestle with yet another machine. Many a times i've had my mandrake install kill itself on an X upgrade (mysteriously murdered? wtf?). Its got a way to go, and I'd rather have a company behind the OS to go and fight for it (Apple, Microsoft, Sun, etc...).
In the end, OSX and the Mac have been good to me. I know Apple locks us in, and we overpay (until recently, now Apple has been aggressively pricing). But it really does live up to its name, everything just works. I've plugged in my dv camera, usb camera, firewire drives, installed various apps, and done my own development, and it just works.
My opinion, I've sacrificed speed and flexibility for convenience, and I'm satisfied (I own a 1Ghz Albook).
What are other mac user experiences?
my experience is iBooks suck ass. I want a Powerbook G3 but people are way too proud of em ($400 for an old ass machine like that? COME ON!)
Apple's stuff isn't what it used to be, that's for sure.
I LOVE my iBook, it works great. Although I have had it lock up on me when running garageband but only like once every eliptical allighning of the planets.
I had an old tangerine iBook and it was great. I only wish I put a bigger harddrive it it. lol. yeah right. Ever tried to do that?
you can't
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