Operating Systems > macOS

Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here

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hmmm.... when I upgraded my box to 2.6.0, right after it came out, even though I had the drivers I needed installed,...or so said "make menuconfig",

my NIC and sound drivers did not work,  and even though the reiserfs driver was selected, and not a module it would not boot, it failed with a kernel panic.  I have spent more like in make menuconfig hunting the right module down, then installing drivers.  which was completely straightforward, no "hunting for drivers" as you call it.

the hardware problems I have had in linux are only in linux.

I have never had a problem with any of my hardware in Windows.

all of said hardware is well-respected name-brand stuff too, no obscure no-name stuff either.

Solaris, in your eyes, is there anything Microsoft can do RIGHT?!

it seems to me you are just pooh-pooh-ing them for no real reason.

PS. I have never seen a linux box report anuptime of more than 497 days.  I have seen windows boxes keep on chugging for longer than that.


quote:Originally posted by Sauron The Deceivenator:
PS. I have never seen a linux box report anuptime of more than 497 days.  I have seen windows boxes keep on chugging for longer than that.
--- End quote ---

Hmm, the stats:

Linux vs. Windows

Not that they really mean anything.


WinDOS (Any version before ME) called the DOS kernel for some things and 95+ had Win32 slapped on top. NT is based on VMS an OS that used to be as good as UNIX , MS did fuck if up a bit though but it is still better than WinDOS.

XP is both better and worse than Win2K, I prefer Win2Ks UI and its faster, but XP boots up quicker and the registry is also journaled.

Windows can be faster than Linux if you have shit Linux drivers and good Windows drivers. Because of this I run XP on 256MB of RAM and its faster than RedHat 9 on the same hardware, but it still doesn't beat Vector Linux though.

Drivers run together with the kernel in ring 0 so they have access to the entire system, (greater privilege level than root), and your all programs run at a lower privilege level, thus if you have a bad driver on any OS it can severely fuck it up.

I find driver trouble shooting in Windows very easy, if you install the wrong driver Windows will roll back to the previous one, even in Win95 if you installed the wrong vidio driver it would default to a genercic VGA driver.

Often Linux drivers are worse than Windows drivers , because the hardware manufactures won't write drivers or disclose details about their hardware to protect trade secrets. Linux drivers are often hacked together by reverse engineering, a classic example of this is the Linux NTFS driver which is no where near as good as the Windows NTFS driver. This is often also the case with some video card and printer drivers, indeed it is the case with my S3 savage pro graphics card.

Windows driver support is excellent since MS monopoly position forces hardware manufactures to write drivers.

But having said that, if you are very careful and only buy Linux compatable hardware you won't have a problem and Linux will run and run.

Anyway this section is ment to be about Macs, not Windows, I know how easy it is to change the subject but thist debate belongs in the Windows/Linux section.


quote:Originally posted by Aloone:
WinDOS (Any version before ME) called the DOS kernel for some things and 95+ had Win32 slapped on top. NT is based on VMS an OS that used to be as good as UNIX , MS did fuck if up a bit though but it is still better than WinDOS.
--- End quote ---

That's kind of true.  A lot of former Digital employees worked on NT, but it wasn't like they just lifted source code from VMS and used it to build NT.  There's significant architectural influences, but it's not quite the same as say, the BSD influences in Darwin.

'Used to be as good' is questionable as well     There's still some things VMS can arguably do better than UNIX.  VMS is probably the first multiuser OS I had experience with, and the first OS I used to accesses the Internet, so it'll always be special to me.


quote:PS. I have never seen a linux box report an uptime of more than 497 days.
--- End quote ---

From Netcraft, right?  There's a bug in Netcraft's software that prevents uptimes greater than 497 from showing.

quote:mmm.... when I upgraded my box to 2.6.0, right after it came out, even though I had the drivers I needed installed,...or so said "make menuconfig", my NIC and sound drivers did not work, and even though the reiserfs driver was selected, and not a module it would not boot, it failed with a kernel panic.
--- End quote ---

I'd expect nothing more from 2.6.0.

[ August 03, 2004: Message edited by: WMD ]


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