Operating Systems > macOS

Alright Macheads, lets talk real deal here

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quote:Originally posted by kn0wn:
Lets see. Win2k, 2k3 and XP is less usable, slow as shit, has just a mount of viruses, trojans and spyware pluse idiotic 'anti-piracy' shit so that you have to by another license if you install a new card. Pluse all the usual hunting around for shitty drivers. Not to mention XP is just as stable as the rest of the M$ family. With really realy really powerful hardware and 'proper' drivers ME CAn be more stable than XP!
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I don't know what system(s) you have tried XP on. If you have 128MB or less ram it may be slow. If you try to install it on a Pentium 1/II it will be slow. It runs just fine on 500mhz+ PIII/Athlons w/192MB+ ram. It also helps to have a hard drive that isn't running in PIO mode 4 and it helps to have a video card that actually offers 3D acceleration ;P.

XP flies on my [email protected] on 1066mhz FSB w/HT box(it flies when the CPU is running at stock 2.4ghz too) and it flies on my Athlon 64 3200+ box. It even runs well on my old 1ghz PIII and 1.4ghz Athlon T-bird boxes. Every one of the systems have at least 256MB of ram.

Now Linux on the other hand I can't say the same about. KDE is slow as shit even on the Athlon 64. Out of all of the distros I have used KDE performs the best in Suse 9.1. IT still isn't as snappy as 2K/XP. I do not like Gnome at all even though it performs a little better(still not as fast as 2K/XP's explorer). Every distro of Linux I have tired take a lot longer to boot up than 2K/XP as well.

Now where in the hell do you get the 2K/XP is less usable crap? They do everything that Win9x can do and more(except run DOS apps good..but who uses DOS apps anymore?).

[ August 11, 2004: Message edited by: Viper ]

Don't use KDE it's slow and bloated and it gives Linux a bad name.

I've found XP a lot faster but this could be due to the crappy unaccelerated Linux driver.

Have you tried GNOME?

It's not faster than KDE for me, but other people have told me that it's faster than KDE for them.

Also you could try; Fluxbox, Xfce or ICEwm. I have used them all before and they are all a lot faster than KDE.

Try Vector Linux, it's the fastest and most fully functional distro I've seen.

[ August 15, 2004: Message edited by: Aloone ]



quote:Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
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