Operating Systems > macOS
My mac is fucked, help!
Geez, i installed X.1 on a 30 gig WD hdd and the install went fine. i go to reboot and it kernel panics at the 'smiley mac' screen.
I need a little more than "kernel panic." What other info does the error say? Any error numbers?
What kind of Mac is it?
[ December 01, 2002: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]
Mac OS X has issues on older Macs. It has to be on the first partition, and that partition has to be FULLY WITHIN the first 8GB of the drive. i.e. your OS X boot partition has to be the first one created and must be less than 8GB. 7.999999999 is fine, but 8 or up is bad!
I had the EXACT same problem with my Mac. I'm sure it was the Western Digital drive. It would kernel Panic or not boot, or if it did, have HD corruption. When I switched it from Master to Slave and installed on another HD, all problems went away.
I've hear others have had problems with Western Digital drives too.
[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: cocoamix ]
Thank you SO MUCH cocoa, i will try adding another drive when i get home.
Do any of you know if there are any other hard drives that will not work with my mac? I will probably put a 8 gig IBM in as master and slave my WD - that should work, right?
When i said kernel panic, i meant a kernel panic - as in it gave me a bunch of shit about i/o (which obviously points to the hdd) and then the nice little "we are hanging here..."
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