Operating Systems > macOS
More on Building macs.
Druid droped this link off on another thread but I thought it pertenent to some of the discussion in here:
Shows Mac mods and may even have some info and ideas for building or modifying your own mac.
Fun pictures of totaly strange mods too :D .
I was thinking about doing up my iMac600 with lighting like in that one case hack.
Either that, or paint my 604 matte black and add more LED's to it than I already have
Digging around in applefritter I found this:
I don't know about you guys but G4's do not seem to be built for this kind of treatment.
Another interesting bit is the Apple store parody:
The place that sells Yellow Dog Linux also sells G4 servers which run with both X and YDL.
[ April 15, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
That's more like it. Seeing those quicksilvers on their side like that looked like some sort of Macintosh torcher chamber :D .
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