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I think QuickSilvers actually look better on their side. But I'm weird and have a strange preference for desktop cases over towers, so don't ask me.

Are the quicksilver plastic sides clear when the paint is taken off with rubbing alcohol?


quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates:
Are the quicksilver plastic sides clear when the paint is taken off with rubbing alcohol?
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Yep, check out the mod on applefitter where the guy puts blue lights inside so it glows when it's on. I think it's a bit gaudy but it's still kinda neat  


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
Yep, check out the mod on applefitter where the guy puts blue lights inside so it glows when it's on. I think it's a bit gaudy but it's still kinda neat    
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Nah man, that's awesome. He should put blood red throbbing lights in there next so he can make Winders PC's piss themselves.

wasn't that a grphite case, or was that quicksilver? Excuse me for my ignorance, My Quicksilver us my first Mac, have never seen a graphite G4 before.


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