Operating Systems > macOS

Screw OS X I think...

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To each his own

If your happy with what you've got, Im happy for you.

But(you knew that was coming)

I hear people saying that most people only use Linux because it's free

It cost me $170.00 CND after taxes (3000%) to get SuSE 8.1 professional

a group of my friends and myself all use SuSE
one of us bought 8.0, I bought 8.1, and another bought 8.2 and so on until SCO wins   :D    ;)    :D  

but really apple, and x86 are like beta, and VHS

VHS ended up winning because of price, but beta was a hell of alot better quality, and for that reason VHS was household, and beta was, and is, an industry standard.

And as for being political, those of us who sign up and actually stay here, only do so beacuse we are political.  You should all be as political as possible inside your own country, I really mean that. Democracy is a funny thing, if you don't use it you'll lose!


quote:Originally posted by sway = eradicator:

the m5 tops at 173mph.
--- End quote ---

You are on crack. A M5 doesn't go anywhere near that speed. Admittedly I was wrong about the M5 though. The new ones top out at 155mph. They still don't have nothing on a cheaper Corvette Z06(or the standard Vette Coupe for that matter), Dodge Viper GTS-V and GTS-R or the Mustang GT Cobra and SVT Cobra R.


To the guy who said American cars are crap, you are an idiot. I haven't had a lick of trouble out of my Vette and it is about 5 years old now(99). I'm willing to bet that it will smoke anything that you own and it isn't anywhere near as fast as these new Vettes with the LS6 engine. ;P

[ July 14, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

A 2003 Corvette Z06. Top speed of 185mph. Wow! That is fast for a $50,000 range car. IT appears that the Vette gets better gas mileage than a beemer too.


A Vette that costs around $50,000 is actually able to contend with and beat out alot of the  Ferrari's. LoL, the beemer is simply outclassed and out-muscled. I really don't think that beemers look all that great myself. I would be more proud of owning a Viper than a damn beemer.

[ July 14, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Last but not least..here are some specs on the Viper GTS-R. DAAAAAMMMNNN! A 0-60 in 3.8 seconds! A top speed of 201mph!

Not many cars on the road can contend with this beast. The ones that can contend with it cost about a half million to a million $$$$(Like the McLaren F1 which is a German car BTW).


Beemers are overpriced cars, under-powered cars...end of story. I've seen Honda Accord EX's that that can smoke a beemer.   :rolleyes:

[ July 14, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

We are being political because we unite against Microsoft. But choice of platform should be determined by its qualities, not by political issues like open source. One should not choose to boycott a platform because of frivolous political reasons like closed source.

And comparing the Mac to the Beta is absolutely ridiculous. This is a MONOPOLY situation, remember? The Mac wasn't expensive back in the days, and studies have proven over and over again that the Mac is much cheaper in the long run. Also, Macs are getting cheaper by the season.

Sorry if I don't make any sense, but I'm tired. I'll edit all that tomorrow.
Going to bed, it'a 3 AM.


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