Operating Systems > macOS

Screw OS X I think...

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quote:Originally posted by ecsyle:951:

yeah, i didnt want it to sound like it is sctrictly for photoshoppers, but it is a specialized machine in a way. it is not for the average consumer. it is a tool, not a toy, it is a serious peice of equipment. when i go to comp usa and pick up some random computer peices, i go home and build a toy to play with. but my mac is the only tool i have that is built for it. my pcs are random peices thrown together on which i run a few os's. not to talk shit about x86 and clone pcs, but the mac feels solid. it feels like a bmw. ehh. i will try to clarify later. i am tired and need sleep. its like 6:30am.
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No that's cool man, I get you.

You sound about as crazy as I am, I've been going to bed at 4:30'ish recently. Get some sleep.

OS-X Users are like fucking Volvo drivers.

No, they are like many other NeXT, BeOS, Amiga and  Acorn fans who actually love their platform for their merits, rather than because it is industry standard (ie. Microsofties) or for political reasons (like free software or open source) or, in some cases, because they don't want to pay for what they use.

In reply to the Mac feels like a BMW comment.

PC's are like Cheverolet, Dodge and Ford. You can get one that will smoke the BMW for less money.

A $50,000 Corvette Z06, a $63,000 Dodge Viper GTS-R or a $40,000 Mustang SVT Cobra  will beat the hell out of any beemer on the track, on the strip or even in a street race. A top of the line beemer costs alot more than a Dodge Viper GTS-R. However, the cheaper Corvette Z06 and Viper GTS-R will beat the hell out of that Cobra which already beats out the ridiculously expensive beemer.

You know that the $70,000 BMW M5(thats right...$70,000 for a fucking family sedan) tops out at like 150mph? What kind of shit is that? I mean come'on....the $50,000 Corvette Z06 tops out at 183mph stock and the $63,000 Viper GTS-R tops out at about 201mph stock.

I guess you are right. Mac's are the BMW of computers. You pay more for less performance and the people who pay for the ridiculously overpriced, underpowered machines are led to believe that thier machine is magically special or something.

[ July 14, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote: You pay more for less performance and the people who pay for the ridiculously overpriced, underpowered machines are led to believe that thier machine is magically special or something.
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I have very little knowledge about cars, so I will have to give you the benefit of doubt on that. But asserting that you pay more for less performance when you buy a Mac certainly betrays your ignorance on the matter. Surely you must have heard of the G5 by now? Even before its release, there are reports of tests with G5s handling scientific jobs very adequately, at a much lesser price. And the NASA seems to agree with that, too. So your argument is a bit dated now.

As for personal users, it has often been demonstrated that Macs and many other alternative platforms are much less expensive and more productive in the long run than Wintel computers. And even the initial prices, with every feature taken into account, are very competitive.

Of course, if price is your major concern, it is still possible to build your own Mac. There are many tutorials online for that purpose.


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