Operating Systems > macOS
Mac loans from Apple.com a good idea??
Im thinking about buying a brand new shiney G4 power mac, but im short on cash.. Then i saw the Loan advertisement? Is this a good idea? it has options of paying thru 24 - 60 months. replyy!!
Yes the mac loan program is an excelent idea. It's what I did for my iMac back in the day. Also, if you are in school, Apple offers a student discount.
This is a very good deal, and if you want a new G4 go for it. I can vouch that they are splendid machines worth every penny.
Oh, im a student alright, just a highschool student, Can i still get a discount? :>
quote:Originally posted by f4De:
Oh, im a student alright, just a highschool student, Can i still get a discount? :>
--- End quote ---
Not sure, but I don't see why not. Give Apple a call, surely they will be more than willing to work something out. Their real good about making deals and wont try and shaft ya
Good luck!
hmm, Cant I fake to be a College student? Not like the check for ID or anything (=
If I cant do this, then i will be forced to speak with Apples tech support and order from thereeee, yuck :(
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