Operating Systems > macOS
What's so great about macs?
quote:Originally posted by Macman: humanitys last hope:
Mac OS X is like sex and Classic is like masterbation.
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:D ;)
that makes sense.
I found this . It attempts to explain differences between the two architextures, but keep in mind that it's a bit outdated. The fastest mac processor is now 1.42 ghz.
quote:Originally posted by Macman: humanitys last hope:
Mac OS X is like sex and Classic is like masterbation.
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LOL. :D Beware Macman or such observations might stir up sexually oriented comments about Mac users and their Macs. :D
quote:Originally posted by Panos:
LOL. :D Beware Macman or such observations might stir up sexually oriented comments about Mac users and their Macs. :D
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Are you saying there is something wrong with me because I have sex with my powermac?!? errrr. Ummmmm...shit
Just Kidding
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