Operating Systems > macOS

Do you use X11?

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you could use your powers. but i do use x11 on my mac. i use it for open office...
i guess since this thread isnt rally going any where you could dump it. or you could make it interesting and edit everyones posts to say something cool. i would do that.

i probably shouldnt be a mod  ;)

Why dead thread it? That was a totally legitimate question.   :confused:   Anyway, I'm not currently using X11, since the fact that I'm still on dialup (  :mad:  ) doesn't allow me to download it yet. I'm using fink though, with which I've downloaded lynx, html-tidy and more shell apps.  

I have X11 with WindowMaker, GAIM, and GIMP. Although I only use it to play with.  iChat and Photoshop, I think, are easier.

i have it installed. but i havent really played with it. all i have used it for is open office. i think i will give this fink a try  


quote:Originally posted by ecsyle:
i have it installed. but i havent really played with it. all i have used it for is open office. i think i will give this fink a try    
--- End quote ---

You won't regret it ecsyle! Fink is exactly like Synaptic in Linux. It uses apt-get and it rules! Great app!  


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