Operating Systems > macOS

Anti-OSX sentiment

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Lately I have been noting a decidedly anti-OSX slant from forum regulars. Arguments saying that it isn't customizable enugh, isn't true open source etc.

This is all garbage. OSX is fully customizable just as any UNIX. You have full access to the Darwin underlayer and can mess with it all you want. The Aqua GUI is also very pourus and there are various ways to customize it to your likeing. Apple includes many development tools for OSX ranging from the gcc compilers to the wonderfull Developer Tools sweet.

OSX is potentialy as good as any UNIX, and is surely the BEST desktop UNIX around. Mac users and Linux/*NIX users are on the same teem here and I don't think we should be trashing each other.

But none the less, if you have some kind of Beef with OSX, or any other OS for that matter, at least try to make a valid point with substance. Most of the stuff I have seen tossed around are kind of like half assed arguments and silly OSX sux type crap.

i agree. x11's anti mac comments are a bit dumb, but i think he is just trying to stir up some shit.

Anyway MacOSX is not open source. it is not Free software. it is misleading to say that this is not true. It is true. OSX may be stable, customisable, it may run like a scalded hyena on heat in a learjet, it may do the dishes, feed the cat and be great in bed but it is NOT Free software (free as in freedom, in case zombie or his ilk are reading this).

I have not used MacOSX, but i do take exception to a) misleading statements about its components and/or licence agreement and b) claims by its users that other systems are somehow inferior. This last is not a dig at you or anybody however i think that it is sometimes easy for users of particular type of software to get a little bit too far up their own arse. That includes me, it includes everybody. How we can be so shallow about something like software is beyond me. Freedom of speech however, now there's something worth fighting about...

But you have to cut Apple some slack... if they made OS X open source then nobody would have a reason to buy their computers.

But if Apple made their computers with faster IBM processors rather than cheesy Motorola ones, then more people would have a reason to buy their computers!

I can't afford to shell out 3 grand for a dual 1.25GHz G4 when I could build a comparable or faster PC for less.

As for OS X, I can't say it's technologically better or worse than any other UNIX. Sure, Quartz is many times better than X11, but... it's slow as shit. It's NOT open source, which is an issue that's becoming more and more important to me.

And it honestly, just doesn't live up to expectations. It works, yeah, but the devil is in the details, and they suck. Windows networking is a joke. I  tried to share files with Windows users with no luck. No luck connecting to them, either.

Application stability is decreasing. iChat can't even start, and when it does, it won't stay connected to the crappy ass network. AIM has the same problem. The problem doesn't exist in OS 9, or Windows, or Linux.

I'm not puttin' it down, but I'm certainly not gonna say it's the greatest thing they've ever made. I, for one, would much rather have had Copland.

I really don't understand where this anti-OS X sentiment comes from. OS X IS the best Operating System I have ever used! Let me explain why:

A) It comes with virtually every piece of software one might need and even more. Some examples: AppleWorks, iTunes, iMovies, iPhoto, QuickTime and the list goes on and on.

B) It's easy as hell to use. Even a 10yr old can use OS X.

C) Before you pull the "idiot proof" argument from your sleeve, let me say that you can also work from the shell and directly from Darwin just like in any other *NIX like variant!

D) It's legendary stable. Even my Linux boxes where not that stable. Come on, I've been using it for two months and have never experienced a system crash! I had some applications crashing on me but after really heavy use I assure you.

E) It is virtually the most secure Operating System, along with Linux and more than Linux, out there.

F) Quartz is the most beautiful graphics layer out there and do not dare to disagree! In other words OS X is as eye candy as an OS can get.

G) It is configurable beyond any point, like Linux.

etc etc etc.

Of course there still are some things to be improved like the speed for instance. But come on, can you really compare OS X 10.0.0 to Jaguar? I don't think so.     :D    

Oh, and Jimmy James you have disappointed me a lot. I realise that you are nostalgic of the good old Apple but how can a company survive when they keep a low profile? That was Apple's problem all those years and that's why this more agressive approach of theirs will finally prove correct in the end.     ;)  

[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Panos ]

[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Panos ]


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