Operating Systems > macOS

Anti-OSX sentiment

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Yea, ThePrecher said it, Linux has somthing for everyone, and if more people contributed to the Open Source community, then we would be better off in the long run. You would be helping people and helping them help you and so on.

If sombody was to spend there life helping the poor, you could hardly call them helping other people a waste of Life. If thats what you think, you are selfish... And that will lead you to being evil. I contribute because it helps other people.

apple is steve jobs now, and he can just do what he likes. if you like him, good. he probably doesn't like you though. buy his stuff or don't unfortunately for him he is a well meaning but contradictory megalomaniac, which certainly has something to do with the poor guy's personal background.

I am astonished that apple have done so well considering Jobs.

Don't get me wrong, excellent man in the computing industry, great machines from apple, just... it could have been a lot better. it could have sat better on the tongue, it might not have caught in the throat so much, if apple could have wrested free of jobs a bit more. on the other hand, he really has made apple what they are today, in many ways.

I love OSX, no one can put it down. If your having problems with it then it may have messed up during installation or upgrade, but most likey YOU did it.  My OSX jag works perfectly, my OSX 10.1 worked perfectly too. Not one problem. Whilst on Redhat 8 I did the upgrade and after I restarted (did so because I am not used to not having to restart) the XServer wouldn't start, that is bullshit.  OSX is easier to use than any other Linux.  The GUI is better, smoother, and more stable than X11, and most of all, it has big time apps like Office, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Flash.

I have come to the conclusion that Linux is really good for a server, even on slow computers it works fine if u don't run the XServer. and since everything can be monitored with Webmin over the network, u don't even need to touch the computer.  OSX can do all of these things, but it needs a fast computer because the GUI always runs.  But the biggest problem with having a Mac as a server is that you just want to use the Mac, and that bogs down the server.

[ November 09, 2002: Message edited by: Billy Gates ]

hmmmm. about the only open thing on osx is the kernel. and they have alot of binary drivers from what i have heard. by any chance are the specs to osx's quartz open? and does quartz offer network tranparency like X does. and is it going to be added. or can it be added.

Is there some kind of a GNU/Darwin?


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