Operating Systems > macOS
Anti-OSX sentiment
quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b 2.1:
Is there some kind of a GNU/Darwin?
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Yes there is at
hope that address is right, I am not a programmer.
quote:Originally posted by psyjax v6.9 /Dave:
Lately I have been noting a decidedly anti-OSX slant from forum regulars. Arguments saying that it isn't customizable enugh, isn't true open source etc.
This is all garbage. OSX is fully customizable just as any UNIX. You have full access to the Darwin underlayer and can mess with it all you want. The Aqua GUI is also very pourus and there are various ways to customize it to your likeing. Apple includes many development tools for OSX ranging from the gcc compilers to the wonderfull Developer Tools sweet.
OSX is potentialy as good as any UNIX, and is surely the BEST desktop UNIX around. Mac users and Linux/*NIX users are on the same teem here and I don't think we should be trashing each other.
But none the less, if you have some kind of Beef with OSX, or any other OS for that matter, at least try to make a valid point with substance. Most of the stuff I have seen tossed around are kind of like half assed arguments and silly OSX sux type crap.
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Perhaps maybe you are starting to see the Open Source community for what they really are. They are a bunch of selfish dorks who think that Open Source should control the software industry. Thier way of thinking is if it isn't Open Source it is no-good. They don't just hate MS, they hate any software company who refuse to give thier software away for free. The Open Source community is nothing but a bunch of cheap bastards who aren't willing to pay money for software.
[ November 09, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote:Originally posted by choasforages:
and does quartz offer network tranparency like X does. and is it going to be added. or can it be added.
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If you mean the ability to control someone's screen by remote access, ya. Also, Quartz/Aqua can be bypassed entirely, and if you edit the boot file, you can get it not to load at all.
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Perhaps maybe you are starting to see the Open Source community for what they really are. They are a bunch of selfish dorks who think that Open Source should control the software industry. Thier way of thinking is if it isn't Open Source it is no-good. They don't just hate MS, they hate any software company who refuse to give thier software away for free. The Open Source community is nothing but a bunch of cheap bastards who aren't willing to pay money for software.
[ November 09, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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I actually believe in closed source third party applications such as games. However my complaints against MS have little to do with the fact that it is closed source, and more to do with their business practices. I dont ask for anything for free, and I actually paid for my copy of linux, and I also paid for several of the applications I use on linux including Quake 3, and Star Office 6.0. Hopefully the money will help contribute to the further development of my favorite open source applications. However, you must notice the benefits of an open source structure including the finding and fixing of bugs and vulnerabilities in a very small time frame.
Do not categorize linux users. You are not one of us and you know absolutely nothing about us. We want the same things as everyone else, but most importantly we want "Choice". Keep that in mind when you look up one day and realize that all the software on your machine was created by Microsoft.
hear hear.
unfortunately for zombie, he allows his opinions to control him, not the other way around.
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