Operating Systems > macOS
Anti-OSX sentiment
quote:Originally posted by Calum & his insidious little spies:
hear hear.
unfortunately for zombie, he allows his opinions to control him, not the other way around.
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There are very few Linux users like you. The problem is, most of the Linux user base consists of kids and young teenagers who do not work and do not have money. Thier lack of money is why they think that every piece of software released should be made available for free. The age of alot of Linux users also shows because the way they act. Truthfully most Linux users that I see at any forum act childish(Note, I said most...not all).
quote:Originally posted by Calum & his insidious little spies:
hear hear.
unfortunately for zombie, he allows his opinions to control him, not the other way around.
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My opinions don't control me, I control my opinions. I am entilted to have whatever opinion I want to have(just like everybody else is entitled to thier opinion). ;)
[ November 10, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
I'm curious, whcih Linux forums did you visit, Zombie? The ones I've visited, the members, with few exceptions, were generally polite and very helpful.
I still think there's a place for proprietary software, and there's benefits for it. But there are also benefits to open-source and/or free software as well. They can co-exist peacefully, and even help each other out indirectly by both of them striving to improve and make the best product possible.
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
There are very few Linux users like you. The problem is, most of the Linux user base consists of kids and young teenagers who do not work and do not have money. Thier lack of money is why they think that every piece of software released should be made available for free.
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I would sure like to be able to agree with you on this. I wish more kids were using Linux as that would mean there is no reason for it not to be used more in schools, thus saving me more money in taxes. I haven't been able to find any statistics on the web regarding linux demographics, probably because people who use Linux don't usually *want* to be counted. In fact usually people who do not use Linux don't *want* to be counted, but those non-Linux users don't have a lot of say in the matter.
I can only go on my personal experience of who uses Linux. All of the people I personally know who use Linux are business oriented and are between the ages of 25 and 40. Most of these people you will never see on a forum, at least the kinds of forums that you would go to. Of course my kids use Linux, and you certainly won't see them on a forum.
quote:The age of alot of Linux users also shows because the way they act. Truthfully most Linux users that I see at any forum act childish(Note, I said most...not all).
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You don't suppose that you may have initially written a closed minded trolling post that may have triggered a childish response do you? Na, Zombie wouldn't do that....
quote:Originally posted by psyjax v6.9 /Dave:
If you mean the ability to control someone's screen by remote access, ya. Also, Quartz/Aqua can be bypassed entirely, and if you edit the boot file, you can get it not to load at all.
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Do you know where I can get instructions on editing the boot file?
quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates:
Do you know where I can get instructions on editing the boot file?
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You will have to dig, but it's there, along with a 101 other fucked up things to do to OS X :D
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