Operating Systems > macOS
Anti-OSX sentiment
Frankly OS X has so much eye candy that it gives me a sickly feeling, kind of like eating a whole roll of chewy Spree. It's too busy for my tastes.
quote:Originally posted by The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob:
But if Apple made their computers with faster IBM processors rather than cheesy Motorola ones, then more people would have a reason to buy their computers!
I can't afford to shell out 3 grand for a dual 1.25GHz G4 when I could build a comparable or faster PC for less.
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I agree with this up to a point. I still think Mac's are worth the money, but Moto does suck ass.
quote:As for OS X, I can't say it's technologically better or worse than any other UNIX. Sure, Quartz is many times better than X11, but... it's slow as shit. It's NOT open source, which is an issue that's becoming more and more important to me.
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Slow as shit!!! Jezus, what the hell are you on? Jag is just as snappy as OS9 on my dual 800, and the fact that it isn't open source makes no diffrence. It fucking rocks, and it's easy to programm for and customize to your likeing. If you don't like it, by all means run X11 :D
That's what's great about OSX. Pretty soon you can have KDE on it, with all it's fetures. You can have GNOME etc. Want open source only, dump aqua run gnome and X11 over darwin instead. This Quarz/Aqua ain't open source BS is a non-argument IMHO.
quote:And it honestly, just doesn't live up to expectations. It works, yeah, but the devil is in the details, and they suck. Windows networking is a joke. I tried to share files with Windows users with no luck. No luck connecting to them, either.
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I have had no problems with windows networking. Rondevouz work's flawlessly and I transfer files all over the school network to all maner of OS's. No problem. Maybe it was WINDOZE that had the problem not OSX. I think Windoze is more likely to be the culptit, but that's just me .
quote:Application stability is decreasing. iChat can't even start, and when it does, it won't stay connected to the crappy ass network. AIM has the same problem. The problem doesn't exist in OS 9, or Windows, or Linux.
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AIM work's flawlessly for me, but I can sorta sympathize with the iChat thing. It's not the network issue, but something else. Somehow or other I corrupted my copy of iChat and wanted to re-install, the fucking install CD's have nearly no custamizable instalation options! You can't just select an aspect of the OS, it's all or nothing. Now that is fucked up, every MAC OS up to 10.1 had totall installer customizability.
quote:I'm not puttin' it down, but I'm certainly not gonna say it's the greatest thing they've ever made. I, for one, would much rather have had Copland.
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Gotta disagree, it's the greatest. Copland would have still crashed.
Ok, here is my experience with OSX. Never crashes, is stable as hell, can do anything you throw at it even with limeted system resources!!! You can get a 233Mhz iMac to run ton's of programms that are totaly memory intensive and actually have it work! That's impressive, that's TRUE multi-tasking and dynamic memory management.
It IS UNIX, a great deal of the OS is open source. There is a gigantic library of software from the *NIX realm that can be run in OSX, there is also an evergrowing library of shareware/freeware for OSX.
Quartz is an amazing graphics engine that outdoes QuickDraw in every respect. It's slower only if you have a slow machine, in which case you shoulden't be complaining. Also, don't say this is unecisary forced upgradeing since you don't have to run OSX at all, stick to 9. If you wan't *NIX run Darwin with X11 or better yet, Linux.
Psyjax!! I'm not putting X down. I'm simply saying that it's not everything Steve's marketers say. It's the best OS I've ever used, too. But they could still improve it in many ways.
Panos, I don't want Apple to keep a low profile! I want just the opposite. I want 'em to be like they were in the late 80s. In your face, not afraid to insult the competition. They had beige Macs because it wasn't the outside that people cared about (even though they were BETTER beige boxes) it was the fact that inside the beige Mac was a DOS killer. And it was that way for years. I miss Apple back when my dad still used Macs. Back when he had an SE/30 for civil engineering work. Apple knew they were badass, and showed it. They also had an image. They were Apple, the company that started the whole personal computer revolution, and they were a company that was made of tinkerers, artists, hackers, code gods, and some sharp businessmen. You had heroes like Bill Atkinson, Jef Raskin, Woz, and you could look at some part of the Mac or the system software and know that this man did it. Now, they're another homogonized corporation, with a CEO as a faceman. He might be a CEO with a vision, but he's still just another CEO. Steve was much better as being a guy who led projects and drove the troops.
As for the networking, it's wierd. I'd put equal blame on OS X and my college's sorry excuse for a network. I find dialup to be many times more reliable and... faster. Our network is a piece of shit. iChat never gave me any network trouble when I was on dialup, but neither it nor AIM want to stay connected. But now iChat crashes, too =^( And that sucks, 'cos I like iChat!
The Windows networking... I don't know. I plugged into a hub with three other XP boxes. instantly they saw each other and they were swapping files. I never got them to see me, and I never saw them.
And Quartz, yeah, it's better than QuickDraw. Windows XP's GDI is better than QuickDraw. But Quartz will be sluggish and a hog until we see 5-th generation 64-bit PPCs. Quartz Extreme goes a long way toward fixing that, but look at who got left out in the cold... Rage graphics users. Thanks ATI, for not fixing the power-of-2 texture bug.
As for Jaguar being "as fast" as 9. Perhaps. Apps run faster than they did in 9. I saw that the first time I used OS X. But even in Jag, some things require the spinning of the pinwheel.
I've been using OS X since 10.0.3, and I've seen it go from being a complete crock into being the best desktop UNIX. But it's still got some ways to go before it's "as good as it can be".
I'm not gonna bitch about hardware. Apple's a computer company and they need a way to drive hardware sales. I just wish they'd been able to offer something better than what they have now.
::I shake my fist at Moto::
And finally. I'm not Anti-OS X. I'm just critical of it. I use it and love it, but am disappointed by certain parts of it. But, as I've seen time and again, every new update brings more and more improvements. I hope that the issues that exist in 10.2.1 will get adressed in 10.2.2, and I look forward to 10.3 or 10.5, or whatever the next BIG release is
Open source is a big issue right now. Freedom of thought vs. freedom to extort is where it's going. Open source is on the side of the right. On the peoples' side. Apple is anti-DRM, but recording engineers are historically one of their biggest buyers. When their bosses start requiring DRM, and Apple won't offer it... where will they turn? MS. Apple won't let that happen. If they hope to survive, they're going to have to relent to the evil that is the RIAA sooner or later. I applaud them for not supporting DRM, and, Hell, I applaud Bill for not including DRM in XP Media Center Edition.
Now... anybody that honestly DOESN'T LIKE OS X... bring it on. We're waitin' for ya.
[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob ]
Okay, i dont like OS-X because its a BSD and i prefer Linux. Although simlar... its not what i want. If i get a Mac i will try, but ill probably put Linux on it.
What can I say. Its proprietary, closed source, and expensive. The best thing to happen to *nix isnt the mac, its linux. Linux is available for more platforms than I can think of, including macs, x86, sparcs, and more. Linux is available 100% free. Linux is not difficult to use, in fact its easy and it is 100% customizable. True, Darwin is open source, but aqua sure as hell isnt, but you can easily get the full source to kde and gnome. My enemy is not apple(yet), it remains to be MS. Basically I dont like Macs for the same reasons I dont like Solaris 9.
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