Operating Systems > macOS
WWDC 2004 Video
Jobs pimping AirPort Express, the new G5s, the new Cinema Panel displays, and OSX Tiger.
Requires Quicktime, 1h 40m long.
I like the new cinema displays. 30" is surely one of the biggest screens I
...and it requires a special video card with 2 DVI-outs, the only one being the GF6800, which costs $500. Plus the $3300 for the display itself. :eek:
If you notice, Apple doesn't sell any CRT, making their cheapest display $600. Something tells me Jobs will never learn. :(
Still, everything there kicks major ass. :D
quote:Originally posted by WMD:
Jobs pimping AirPort Express, the new G5s, the new Cinema Panel displays, and OSX Tiger.
--- End quote ---
Let me start by saying that I seriously misread that line as saying that somebody needed people to pimp AirPort, G5s, Cinema Panels, and Tiger - and were willing to pay for them. That being said, in response to Apple offering their lowest-priced screen for $600 and phasing out CRT in favor of LCDs - this simply means that Apple, once again, is ahead of the curve. :cool: Check out Toshiba or Samsung some time - they're starting to phase out CRTs as well.
Dual Dual DVI plug's :eek:
This all makes me wonder: do they get enough money in to develop and market all this stuff? I mean, the only people who are going to buy a 30" display is the industry.
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