Operating Systems > macOS
WWDC 2004 Video
wow automator looks pretty damn handy.
and core image looks pretty sweet too...
tiger looks like a pretty good release, i probably wont skip this one like i did with panther
quote:The Stiller: tiger looks like a pretty good release, i probably wont skip this one like i did with panther
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I understand that you could upgrade from Mac OS 7 to 8 to 9 for free? Why do they sell their Mac OS X releases for like $ 100? Why not a free upgrade package?
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
I understand that you could upgrade from Mac OS 7 to 8 to 9 for free?
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Not that I know of. Apple always release partial "service pack" like updates, such as 7.5.3-7.5.5, or 8.5-8.6, or 9.0-9.1-9.2. However, they changed the versioning for OSX - it's 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2....10.2.7, 10.2.8, and then 10.3 is a whole different thing.
Fuck Tiger.
I ditched OS X because Panther. I was liking where things were going with Jag. It was getting fast, slick, streamlined, stable.
Then Panther came along. It's flaky, sluggish, jerky, and buggy.
Oh, yeah, and I finally got sick of hearing from Apple that my 3 year old computer is a POS and can't even run their (formerly) free apps.
Fuck Apple, fuck OS X. I spent $1200 on a computer in 2001, only for it to be marginalized the same year.
OS 9 was better. OPENSTEP was better. OS X is a bastard child that is a watered down derivative of the two.
I'm doing my part to make computing better with GenSTEP and I'll succeed by jingo.
My opinion is that OS X sucks now. I remember two years ago, everybody was like "OMG!!! MAC OS X!!! OMFG!!!"
Now everybody is back to saying "Apple is dead". Because now they are. Jobs is running Apple's computer business into the ground by intentionally snubbing the low-end out of spite (Apple started on the low end, and made their name there) and forcing bloat into the software.
OPENSTEP was an amazing OS, and it looked even better as it evolved into Rhapsody, and it looked amazing when they first unveiled OS X... but even back then people were telling them "this is slow... why is it slow?" Apple never did anything for the speed. EVER.
Apple's best days are gone. Now they're all about selling ugly ass, overpriced, underpowered, trendy computers, and their resource hog OS that hasn't seen real improvement since 10.2. They're the iPod company now. They should stop making computers before the only memory of the Macintosh is that elitist, overpriced, slow as shit box that everybody stopped using.
Viva Linux & Windows. I now run a computer of equal age, with Red Hat 9 and Windows XP and I have no speed problems. My iMac had AGP 4x video, but it was still sluggish, videos were nearly unwatchable, and trying to scroll was hopeless. Now I run a PCI vid card (a GeForce4, albiet) and have great video playback, amazing 3D, and no GUI sluggishness. What's that tell you?
Quartz sucks shit.
Just forget Apple.
[ July 10, 2004: Message edited by: JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder ]
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
I understand that you could upgrade from Mac OS 7 to 8 to 9 for free? Why do they sell their Mac OS X releases for like $ 100? Why not a free upgrade package?
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because they can get away with charging that much :(
but you can always get it free if you look hard enough
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