Operating Systems > macOS
The Longer Apple Sticks with Motorola, the Behinder They Get
Do you agree? I do.
All this nonsense over a fucking number.
I have a dual 800 G4, an Athalon XP 2100. First, the dual G4 is clearly a better machine.
Curently I am running a single processor 400Mhz G4 laptop. This laptop is better than the XP 2100.
Mhz, is BS. I used to be concerned with this nonsense till I baught a PC, partialy convinced that the speed diffrence must be mindboggling. Needless to say I wasn't impressed.
Mac's are better, they are also Elitist. It's not Moto, IBM, or Apple. They are doing what they need to do, and instead of cramming up an overheating CPU into a box of old parts Apple invests it's R&D into developing compleat new packages that are well designed and integrated.
Mac's rule. People just don't get it.
I think Motorola is just holding Apple back. It's not clock speed, though. Motorola can't make new, kickass chips as fast as they should. IBM can.
quote: Curently I am running a single processor 400Mhz G4 laptop. This laptop is better than the XP 2100.
--- End quote ---
If you're talking about speed, then no, the G4 is not better. If you could put OS X on the Athlon it would seem much more responsive i'm sure, provided the athlon has a decent video card.
The speed/efficiency of a CPU cannot be determined by Mhz/Ghz alone. There are many factors. I don't know enough about this kind of thing to elaborate, though.
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