Operating Systems > macOS

The Longer Apple Sticks with Motorola, the Behinder They Get

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While we are on the topic of duel operating systems is it ok to have 2 mac os system folders on one hardrive and another 2 on a external? (10.2 and 9.2) and (10.0 and 9.2). I have had many people at NIH servers tell me this is a bad idea.


quote:Originally posted by bossesjoe:
While we are on the topic of duel operating systems is it ok to have 2 mac os system folders on one hardrive and another 2 on a external? (10.2 and 9.2) and (10.0 and 9.2). I have had many people at NIH servers tell me this is a bad idea.
--- End quote ---

Not nexissarly a bad idea, just kinda useless.

First off, I would keep your OS9 System well clear of your OS10 system by either installing it on a separet partition or a separete HardDrive.

The seperet hardrive is the best choice. Once you got this done you should create a designated swap partition for OSX it helps things run smoother.

Finally, why the hell do you keep a copy of the old OSX and a copy of Jaguyre? Why not just upgrade the old copy, or better yet, dump it all together.

I also wouldent use an external HD as a boot device, they are better for storage due to thrughput and FirmWare compatability issues.

That's my take.

Thanks i am going to do that, I installed that extra 10 during a time of trouble when i was into usering sudo (superuser) on the terminal and messed up jag. I got kinda paranoid and installed an extra os.


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