Operating Systems > macOS
HFS+ or UNIX filesystem?
Are Carbon apps. Compatible with UFS??? Because if their not you will be way SOL considdering the abundance of Carbon Apps.
it's not apps, it's the OS. Classic can't run because Mac OS 9 doesn't support UFS. The apps don't care what filesystem they're on!
Thanks for the replies guys! I think I'm gonna give UFS a try and see what happens.
I find this intriguing... I have 2 HD's, can you have one UFS and the other HFS+?
Cuz if so, I will make the main OSX hardrive UFS and run classic junk off the other HD.
honestly... i don't know if that will work. I think it can use Classic off another drive, but it's possible that running UFS completely disables Classic... I really can't say.
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