Operating Systems > macOS
No More Happy Mac
My boot screen is Jessica pressly.
Stop talking out your ass Zombie, Mac users have been editing their computers when you windoids werent even around. Hell, since the days no one knew what a GUI was. I remember screwing with a MacClassic running System6 to get it to display pictures on the desktop. (such functionality havesent been invented yet). You had to use a combination of Hex and ResEdit (<--- strange name huh?) to get it to work.
It's very easy to customize Mac's as well because of the way files are organized and created. Each file has two forks, the Data fork, and the Resource fork. In the resource fork you find all the fun stuff you would wanna screw with, and you never have to touch the Data fork lest your venturesome.
OSX is even simpler since you can explode each applicatioin etc. to reveal all of it's contents. Even oldschool style ResEdit resources.
Yes, Mac folk customize the shit out of their computers and we know a hell of alot more than you give us credit for.
I have met more clueless windows users than Mac users. Hell, my mom has an excellent working knowledge of computers! She's a Mac user BTW.
When have you seen an older person pushing 60 actually know their shit after using windows?
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
What is the big deal about a square with a smile in it? I don't see anything interesting about that happy mac face...try modifying your boot screen to make it look like what you think is cool. You maccies must not do much boot screen modding and so forth like us PC users and Windows users do. Windows modders tend to modify every aspect of thier system to fit thier personalities and likes. We don't stay stuck with the default crap. LoL
I have also noticed that maccies don't tend to mod thier cases, monitors, keyboard, mouse, speakers, etc. to have it's own cool custom look to it(instead of the factory default look).
[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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You, sir, are one uninformed fucking idiot.
Gee, Zombie, I've never found the combination of glow-in-the-dark tampons and circuit boards particularly attractive...
maybe that's just me.
You find a case with pastel colored plastic(Macs) attractive? Personally I think that Macs look gay(because of the pastel-like colors). BTW, I never said that any case is *attractive*(I said the cathodes and so forth look cool, not attractive)...because I don't think of a computer as a status symbol. Believe me, I would be showing off my Vette before I would be inviting people over to my house to show off a computer.
For some reason though, Mac biggots seem to think those gay colored Mac cases are some kind of a sex symbol(like a true loser). LoL
[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
Hmm, interesting, my Mac doesn't have pastel colors at all, in fact, it lacks color on the body...
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