Operating Systems > macOS

No More Happy Mac

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quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
You find a case with pastel colored plastic(Macs) attractive? Personally I think that Macs look gay(because of the pastel-like colors). BTW, I never said that any case is *attractive*(I said the cathodes and so forth look cool, not attractive)...because I don't think of a computer as a status symbol. Believe me, I would be showing off my Vette before I would be inviting people over to my house to show off a computer.

For some reason though, Mac biggots seem to think those gay colored Mac cases are some kind of a sex symbol(like a true loser). LoL

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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Great. A homophobic Windoze user who can't spell and drives a Penis-Mobile. My hero.


quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:

Great. A homophobic Windoze user who can't spell and drives a Penis-Mobile. My hero.
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Hey man, there is nothing wrong with disliking gay anything. I didn't make any comments on homosexuals, but since you want to call me homophobic I will go ahead and say that I am homophobic. Why? Because I think that it is disgusting to be gay. Gays are unnatural, unethical and just plain sick.

Heh, heh...I bet my Penis-Mobile will straight up smoke your car buddy. I bet it looks better and sounds meaner than your shit too. If you lived near me I would race ya for pinkslips just to prove whos' car is meaner. ;P I also own a new(well not exactly new..it is a little over a year old now) Dodge Ram. I think the only reason you called my car a Penis-Mobile is because you are jealous of it because you probably have some little 4-cylinder beater with a rusty body and no exhaust(it probably sounds like a pissed off bumble-bee).

Whoops, I mis-spelled bigot. Sue me. LoL


quote:Originally posted by MacUser3of5:

Hmm, interesting, my Mac doesn't have pastel colors at all, in fact, it lacks color on the body...

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Now, that doesn't look gay at all. I'll go as far as to say I think that laptop looks nice. The reason I commented on the pastel colored cases is because alot of Maccies seem to think that we are jealous of the Macs that have those stupid colors. For some weird reason they also think those colored cases look good or something(they would look good if they used non-pastel colors).

Just so you know a little more about me...

The Imac (version one and two) are ugly. Just plain ugly.

They new tower g4 is ugly.

The old powermac is nice.

The ibook is nice.

The xserve is nice.

In fact, the prevalence of the FruityMac is what kept me from Apple during the late 90s  ;)


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Hey man, there is nothing wrong with disliking gay anything. I didn't make any comments on homosexuals, but since you want to call me homophobic I will go ahead and say that I am homophobic. Why? Because I think that it is disgusting to be gay. Gays are unnatural, unethical and just plain sick.

Heh, heh...I bet my Penis-Mobile will straight up smoke your car buddy. I bet it looks better and sounds meaner than your shit too. If you lived near me I would race ya for pinkslips just to prove whos' car is meaner. ;P I also own a new(well not exactly new..it is a little over a year old now) Dodge Ram. I think the only reason you called my car a Penis-Mobile is because you are jealous of it because you probably have some little 4-cylinder beater with a rusty body and no exhaust(it probably sounds like a pissed off bumble-bee).

Whoops, I mis-spelled bigot. Sue me. LoL
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Dodge Ram, muhahaha!


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