Operating Systems > macOS

No More Happy Mac

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quote:Originally posted by MacUser3of5:
Just so you know a little more about me...

The Imac (version one and two) are ugly. Just plain ugly.

They new tower g4 is ugly.

The old powermac is nice.

The ibook is nice.

The xserve is nice.

In fact, the prevalence of the FruityMac is what kept me from Apple during the late 90s   ;)  
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Cool, I've met a Mac user who admits that the pastel-colored cases suck. I agree with you saying the xserve, the ibook and the old powermac is nice. I think the Titanium Book is pretty nice too.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Hey man, there is nothing wrong with disliking gay anything. I didn't make any comments on homosexuals, but since you want to call me homophobic I will go ahead and say that I am homophobic.
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what, you have an irrational fear of men? do you people even know what homophobic means?!?!?!?

i'm sure the greeks here will know what i'm talking about.

plus, zombie65287462784268, are you one of those redneck deep south bible bashers? i've always wondered, maybe you can confirm or deny...?


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

what, you have an irrational fear of men? do you people even know what homophobic means?!?!?!?

i'm sure the greeks here will know what i'm talking about.

plus, zombie65287462784268, are you one of those redneck deep south bible bashers? i've always wondered, maybe you can confirm or deny...?
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Ummm, nope. I'm a yank. I always have and always will live in the North. ;P States I've lived in....Illinois, Indiana(where I currently live), Connecticut(where I was born and raised) and New York. No southern roots here buddy. I'm not a redneck, I'm not a racist and I'm not a sexist pig. I do not like gays though. Just like I've already said..I feel that being gay is un-natural and unethical. Men were given a penis and Women were given a Vagina....the penis is intended to go in the vagina(for pleasure and to reproduce). Those are called reproductive parts...tell me, how can you reproduce if you stick your reproductive part in a non-reproductive part? Nature didn't intend for a penis to go in another males ass(you know I'm right). In the beginning it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. ;P

yes, i tend to agree on your mechanics there, but your adam and eve comment really makes me wonder, you know?

while i am in no way a homosexual, i have a few friends who are a great laugh (male and female) who are gay! nothing wrong with them, i can assure you! i just reckon, live and let live. making nasty comments about something like that, whether you like it or not, is just going to piss somebody off in the end, so you may as well be charitable, don't you think? it's not like they're trying to shove it up your ass, now, is it?

I'm so glad we got all this birds and bees stuff shored up. I was pretty clueless about the whole mess to tell you the truth.  Thanks for explainin' things for me!  


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