Operating Systems > macOS

No More Happy Mac

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Actually, I never disliked gays until I worked with a few(at the job I had before the one I have now). When I was working with them they were always hitting on me(and other guys at the plant), we would tell them to back off and shit..but they wouldn't listen. They would always say shit to us like "Don't knock it until you try it" and "You don't know what you are missing". The fact that they wouldn't take no for an answer and they were always trying to push thier gaydem on me made me start to dislike them. The straw that broke the camels back was when one of them walked up behind me and reached thier hand in between my legs and grabbed my ass&balls. Thier lack of respect for people not wanting to be gay just made me hate them.

I don't have anything against lesbians though. 3somes are actually quite fun(my g/f is not a lesi but I have been with bi-sexual women before I met her  :D ).

[Deleted in light of review and public outcry    ]

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
I'm so glad we got all this birds and bees stuff shored up. I was pretty clueless about the whole mess to tell you the truth.  Thanks for explainin' things for me!    
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Seriously, I could care less about even talking about this subject. As far as I'm concerned it is dropped. Don't ask me why cocamix even brought up the subject of liking/disliking homos(by caling me a name that is generally used on people who don't like gays...homophobic).


quote:Originally posted by psyjax:

THis is a warning, you can express yourself all you want, but your latest string of posts sound like pure trolling.

Im gonna delete them if you don't tone it down. Obviously you are trying to get a rise out of us (and succeeding).
--- End quote ---

Hey man, why don't you jump cocas' ass for calling me homophobic? It is his fault this discussion even came up. You can delete any of the posts regarding this discussion for all I care.

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

he's not getting a rise out of me! i quite like how he's being honest instead of just mouthing off for a change!
Zombie, i think that your experience is unfortunate, but you must realise that people act individually, as i say i have many gay friends who would never do such a ridiculously intrusive thing!
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
I'm so glad we got all this birds and bees stuff shored up. I was pretty clueless about the whole mess to tell you the truth.  Thanks for explainin' things for me!    
--- End quote ---
you're on top form today! 30 points!  :D


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