Operating Systems > macOS

No More Happy Mac

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I posted that too late  :D

My bad. I just read the last 4 or five. I was just refering to the couple of shit slinging one on the first page.

Hey, I had a couple of situations myself that made me pretty homophobic.  I was propositioned twice when I was around 18 years old. It really sucks to be pretty!     Then at my last job I became less homophobic because I worked with an older man who was gay (and happily with someone, not that I wanted to hear about any of it).  Every day he used to walk by my office, then look me up and down like I like to do with the ladies. But he did it jokingly because he knew I was straight as an arrow and would have kicked his ass if he would have tried anything. He was basically harmless and quite funny actually.

I have been less homophobic since knowing him even though I strongly agree with Zombie about the "natural purpose of the equipment". And I agree with Calum, Zombie tells you straight, and doesn't make shit up. And to tell you the truth if I had an experience like Zombie I hope I have the composure to beat the livin' tar out of the SOB. Just make sure you're bigger'n him!

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Hey man, there is nothing wrong with disliking gay anything. I didn't make any comments on homosexuals, but since you want to call me homophobic I will go ahead and say that I am homophobic. Why? Because I think that it is disgusting to be gay. Gays are unnatural, unethical and just plain sick.

Heh, heh...I bet my Penis-Mobile will straight up smoke your car buddy. I bet it looks better and sounds meaner than your shit too. If you lived near me I would race ya for pinkslips just to prove whos' car is meaner. ;P I also own a new(well not exactly new..it is a little over a year old now) Dodge Ram. I think the only reason you called my car a Penis-Mobile is because you are jealous of it because you probably have some little 4-cylinder beater with a rusty body and no exhaust(it probably sounds like a pissed off bumble-bee).

Whoops, I mis-spelled bigot. Sue me. LoL
--- End quote ---

Whoa, for some reason my Mullet-Radar is going crazy!

I'm sick and tired of this constant shit. It's been a long fucking day. Piss off.

This thread was near the bottom of the list for the Mac OS discussions. If there's one thing I hate, it's people reanimating a dead discussion just so they can start a flamewar.

And, Zombie, if you're so much better than the rest of us, why don't you go out into the real world and leave us the hell alone?

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]


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