Operating Systems > macOS

To metadata, or not to metadata

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What do you all think of Apple's efforts to kill off file metadata in Mac OS X (other than filename extensions)? Personally I think it's a steaming pile of horse dung, but I wanted to know what you all thought.

(I also needed an excuse to start a topic.  :cool:  )

[ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: gump420 ]


quote:Originally posted by gump420:
What do you all think of Apple's efforts to kill off file metadata in Mac OS X (other than filename extensions)? Personally I think it's a steaming pile of horse dung, but I wanted to know what you all thought.

(I also needed an excuse to start a topic.   :cool:   )

[ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: gump420 ]
--- End quote ---

I don't know how Apple proposes to change it but in my experience metadata for determining file content is *far* superior to using file extensions.  The is another cause for security problems in MS browsers, but I guess that's off topic.

Well, Apple's proposition is to drop metadata entirely in favor of using only filename extensions. Supposedly, this is for compatibility, or some other bull, but it has all the traits of a stupid order handed down from some corporate moron.

Ahh, well . . . the pro metadata petition is at over 8,500 signatures and the anti petition is just over 500. Maybe Apple will bow to the pressure.

oh, btw . . .



Those are the links to the petitions in question. Feel free to read the anti and sign the pro!

The Attitudinal column in the Macintosh Daily Journal just covered the OS X Metadata and Anti OS X Metadata petitions recently. Apparently the solution is for Apple to sack Tevinian; from the sound of it, nobody would miss him, either. (-;


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