Operating Systems > macOS

Clearly express my thoughts on OSes

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As I previously said, M$'s best chance to come up with at least one stable version of Windoze, was by developing the NT kernel and thus make a move towards more stability. But, let's be realistic here. Developing the NT kernel would mean big losses for Microsoft, since third party software or hardware vendors would have to re-establish their whole programming philosophy. They should start from scratch since the Win32API was saving them enormous amount of time. That's why M$ decided to freeze the project. They simply decided that, as far as profit is concerned, it would be better to bundle the Win32API into the NT kernel. So, they managed to create a hybrid OS, an abomination as I prefer to call it.

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Naww, mom uses QuickBooks, Quicken, Corel WordPerfect, and some legal transcript program that I've never seen before in my life and god knows if it runs in anything other than Windows.

I know Corel and soon the other 2 will be ported to Linux, but still, I need to play with it before it goes on the main PC.
--- End quote ---

you can get corel for linux. I happen to have the Corel Suite on "6" CD (or some other number between 1 and 23).

Master of Reality:
i think that the registry is a big part of the unstability of windoze. Compare the registry to linux config files"

All the programs must search through the entire registry to find their own configuration info. This will become an increasingly long time as you install more programs (or even a couple big programs). Because all the files are almost constantly accessing the registry, it is the most accessed file on the computer and therefore often gets corrupted. Another contributing factor to corruption is the architecture of the registry.
Linux has individual conf files for most of the programs, this means that each file is not accessed nearly as much as the registry in windoze is. It is also in plain text format which makes it much more stable then the registry and is not easily corrupted.

This might be part of the reason that after trying to use win servers for a week, microsoft switched to unix-like servers. They have oodles of developers (As bad as they may be) they should be able to patch their OS enough to run a server on it unless there was a critical problem in the underlying design of the OS, this underlying flaw that cant be fixed without totally redisgning the OS could be the registry.

I can think of 4 reasons why Windows is a pile of crap and unstable.

1) Internet Explorer.  It is no coincidence that after I forcefully removed IE from my WindowsME installation that I saw a drastic increase in speed ans stability; of course my Linux installation still beats the pants off of ME.

2) The hybrid NT/Win32API kernel.  What a pile of crap.  How many times have you seen this message: 'rundll32 has caused an error in *****'?  I have seen it hundreds of times on every version of Windows I've tried.

3) The registry.  A highly disorganized pile of dog crap.  A program that uses it has to search throuh it and hope that it's config info is still in tact.  This can often take a long time.  And it seems to corrupt parts of itself auto-magically.

4) DOS.  Every version of Windows has inherited DOS.  Even NT, 2k and XP; MS claims they aren't based on DOS, but they most certainly are!

Ctrl Alt Del 123:

1) Mistake Edition. Doesn't count as an OS.
2) Can't say that I've ever gotten one of those errors.
3) Yea, the Registry SUCKS. It'd be MUCH easier to store my settings WITH my programs. I like how Macs have all the programs in their own folders. Then backing up prefferences would be SOOOOO much easier.
4) Nt, 2K and XP are NOT dos based. They just aren't. A dos emulator is in there, but dos is no longer the underlaying work horse. Even when you try to boot into Safe mode with command prompt, it still opens as a window inside Windows, not before windows.

DOS = Dumb Old Shit


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